Tempting Fate Read online

Page 4

  “Here Abigail, let me help you with that.”

  “Thanks George but it’s alright. Here are the folders you’ll need. I have notes on everything in them. There is also a timeline of what is done so far, what is still left to get done, and the deadlines that need to be meet for those. Um, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to stop by or give me a call.”

  “Not a problem. I have seen how you take notes so I’m sure everything I need will be here. Congratulations by the way on the big account. Think you can handle it?”

  Abigail took in a large breath and then blew it out as she plopped back down in her chair, “To be honest, it’s a lot of work, but I will get it done. Just do me a favor and keep your fingers crossed that I get it.”

  “Oh I will; word is that you will not be the first, or second, person to pitch to them. But hey, if you get it, don’t forget us little people when you get your promotion.”

  Abigail couldn’t hold back a small laugh. “’Little people’ huh? I’ll do that. Besides I’m sure you will not be far behind me, you’re good at what you do.”

  “Thanks. Alright I’ll see you later. I’m running out to get some lunch, need me to grab you something?”

  “No, I brought some today but thank you.”

  “Not a problem. Well I will let you get back to work. See you later.”

  Abigail worked diligently until it was time to pick the kids up and go home for the day. As she got in the car, she was glad she had put a pot roast in the crock-pot that morning. She was going to have to go straight into her home office and get back to work when the kids were in bed. Any spare moment she had was going to have to be spent on the project. The trip would be here soon and the presentation had to be perfect.

  Turning on the car, a song that she hadn’t heard since her early college days came on the radio, “…You’re gonna be the one who saves me? And after all, you’re my wonderwall -”

  Memories of last night’s dream flooded back into her mind vividly as she hummed along to it. Who was the handsome man? Why was he still in her head? Where did he come from? Most dreams she couldn’t even remember five minutes after she woke up. Yet she still had him in her mind at five-thirty in the evening.

  Abigail loved the feeling she got when she picked up her kids after a long day, the way all three of them would rush to her and hug her so tight. The whole ride home would be filled with a barrage of them trying to tell her everything that had happened during their day. Each of them speaking over the others or telling her a story that was even funnier than the last one to be told. Sometimes the stories coming out were so fast that the words would come out in an almost unintelligible rush or have half finished sentences.

  Life with her husband and three kids was great, nestled in a small town, just outside of Dallas where she worked. They both made good money and could afford the things they needed and wanted. They had a house full of love and a very busy schedule to go with it. Abigail loved her life and would not trade it for anything in the world, even when things were crazy and hectic.

  Her parents were not far away, nor were her in-laws. Aunt Melissa had moved to Galveston a few years ago with a “friend,” but Abigail knew he was more than that to Melissa. She was happy for her, even if they didn’t get to talk as often as they once did. Melissa came into town once a month or so to stay for a long weekend with them. The kids loved her, mostly because she always brought them the sugary candies and sweets that their parents didn’t give them too often. When she came they were sure to do something fun, maybe too much for a seven, four and two year old.

  She pulled into the driveway and got the kids inside the door just as her husband’s car pulled into the driveway, “Ok kids, run up and put your things away and wash up for dinner please.”

  The door creaked slowly open again, and Abigail called out to her husband from half inside the hall closet, “Hi love; how was your day?”

  “Great, lots and lots of numbers. Just how we like it in the world of accounting.” He smiled as he put his briefcase down inside the door and kissed her on the cheek, “And yours?”

  “Come with me into the kitchen and I’ll tell you all about it. Then I’ll feed you. How does that sound?”

  “Yum, it does smell good,” he sniffed the air and then looked back at her with hunger in his eyes. “What is it?”

  “Pot roast with potatoes and carrots; I just have to set the table.”

  As they walked into the kitchen, she started telling him about the new project, and some of the details of it. He could see she was genuinely excited about it. He got out the glasses and poured milk for the kids as she continued to talk. Abigail got so excited that she almost dropped the pot roast on the floor and had her husband roaring with laughter. She just continued on about what ideas she had already come up with and ignored the fact that he was laughing at her, “I’m going to have to go into the home office tonight and work after dinner. I hope you don’t mind. I really have to get going on this; I have less than two weeks.”

  “I understand my love. It’s fine, get your work done. I’m sure there is a game on I can watch.”

  “Oh, I have no doubt you can find one. Even if it’s on in China, you’ll watch it.”

  “Hey now, you leave my sports alone. I don’t make fun of your girly stuff, do I?”

  “Yes you do, but it’s alright.”

  “Okay maybe I do tease you about the crafts a little,” he said crossing the kitchen to put his arms around her, “but it’s only cause I love you.”

  Abigail could not help laughing at him and the silly face he was making, like a child apologizing for breaking a vase. She kissed him and then pinched his cheek, hard. “I love you too and that is why I love to aggravate the hell out of you when you are trying to sleep.”

  “So that’s why you aggravate me till I yell? Because you love me, huh?” He smacked her on the rear and grabbed the pot roast dish off the counter, carrying it to the table.

  “Baby, the more I aggravate you, the more it means I love you. You know though if you were not so easy to rile up, I might not do it as often.”

  He smiled at her and told her to finish getting his dinner ready. His family thought it was crazy the way they spoke to each other. You could often see shock on their faces or hear them whispering to each other shortly after about what one had said to the other.

  They had had some friends and family over a couple weeks ago for a basketball game. Abigail, the kids, and the other women were in the back yard. She came in to get something and when she walked in front the TV, he had grunted at her. When she came back through, she stopped right in front of the TV on purpose and asked what the score was. His response made his father’s jaw drop, “Woman! Do you see that clock? Do not talk to me again till it says, Zero! Zero! Zero on it!” Abigail stuck out her tongue and walked out of the room laughing. They both knew it was all in fun, but most people just didn’t understand the way they interacted together.

  Dinner flew by quickly with the kids retelling the stories of their day for their father. As Abigail loaded the dishwasher, she could hear the kids in the living room playing and fighting over toys. Just another evening in their house, with exception of this new project that Abigail had high hopes for. The day was also a little different because of the face that kept popping into her head and not going away – a man that kept smiling at her and flashing mysteriously captivating, beautiful blue/green topaz eyes that shined. This was even stranger because she couldn’t remember ever actually seeing his face so well in her dream.

  Abigail got the kids bathed and into bed, before she jumped in for a quick shower herself. She gave a kiss to her husband and was off to get to work. She worked for hours sketching and re-sketching ideas, making notes here and there -the pile of crumbled up papers on the floor getting bigger and bigger.

  It wasn’t until after midnight when she stopped working and headed off to bed. As she crawled in bed, she thought about waking her husband up and aggravating him,
but it was too late at night. She was just too tired to pick on him anyway, not to mention he would be awake fuming over her, “constant need to agitate him,” for an hour before he went back to sleep. She could hear him complaining in her head already. It made her want to laugh, and she had to put her hand over her mouth for a moment to keep quiet. She checked quickly that the alarm was set and fluffed up her pillow. In only a matter of minutes she was fast asleep curled up closely to her husband.

  Chapter 5

  Abby was frozen in place as she watched him putting his things into his bag. She had to force herself to start moving up the stairs now before he saw her staring at him. She put all her effort into it and shuffled up the stairs as quickly as she could. In her rush she only made it half way up before she fumbled on the stairs and everything dropped out of her hands. She mumbled to herself as she bent over to pick it up, "Stupid history book!" She grabbed the book, and as her hand reached for her syllabus, a hand came out of nowhere and scooped it up.

  "Oh. Thank you. I don't know what is wrong with me today."

  As she looked up, her heart almost stopped. He was a foot away from her, smiling - those eyes even brighter up close. She felt herself staring and had to blink to look away from him. She could feel her cheeks burning red. Abby wished her hair were down so she could hide it from him. He offered his broad hand to her and Abby hesitated before she took it and he helped her stand.

  "You're welcome. Um, I'll see you Friday in class I guess." The slight laugh in his voice was enough to confirm to her that he could see her blushing.

  "Um, yeah Friday. Yeah." Those were all the words she could find to say but at least her mouth was not hanging open. She walked away with a voice in her head screaming to tell him her name or to get his. His eyes were burned in her mind and she had no name to go with them. She turned around slowly and started to speak fast so that she could not change her mind or stop the words.

  "Hi, I'm Abby by the way; thanks again." She found herself speaking to an empty hallway. Looking around he was nowhere in sight. Where could he have gone so fast? Maybe it was all in her head, just a little daydream of seeing him up close. She shook off the feeling and turned back around. She could not help but look around for him on the way back to her room.

  When Abby reached her dorm she was still thinking about him. Why did she freeze up like that? Now she would have to wait until Friday to see him again; maybe she could get to class late and sit closer to him. Would he notice her? Would it seem creepy if she did? At least he had no clue that she had stood in her window yesterday and watched him in the courtyard. He would really think she was a crazy lunatic if he knew that.

  As soon she opened the door to her room, the phone started ringing - Aunt Melissa no doubt. She could hear Melanie in the bathroom, laughing and singing, "Pick up the phone, Abby!" Her bag hit the ground with a thud as she flopped on her bed and yelled back at Melanie, "Go to work!" Melanie only laughed harder.


  "Hey Sugar, how was the first day of classes?"

  They talked for more than a half hour about her classes. She told her about the papers she already got assigned, and her aunt was just as confused as her about the one for Greek Mythology. Abby didn't dare say a thing about her mystery man to her aunt. She would never have gotten her off the phone, besides it's just a stupid little crush. What was she really going to be able to tell her about him anyway?

  When she was done on the phone, she looked at the clock. There was still an hour until the cafeteria opened, so she pulled out her calendar and started marking all her new information onto it. Abby felt calmer about the semester ahead once her calendar was full.

  On her way out to the cafeteria, she ran into Jamal in the lobby, "Hey Abby, where are you heading?"

  "The cafeteria; its waffle night. Yum!"

  "Yeah, you mean carbo-loaded cardboard night. You should eat something else. I was heading over there myself, mind if I join you?"

  "Sure, but please keep your mouth shut about the calories on my plate. I really don't care to know. I just want to eat yummy waffles with lots of syrup."

  "I don't see how you can think they taste good, but okay. I can do that if you will promise to go running with me in the morning. We'll get that metabolism of yours going early."

  Abby opened the door to the cafeteria and let out a groan, "Fine, but not too early, please, I beg you."

  "Is seven-thirty too early? I have a class at nine, so I'll be out there before you even think about getting your butt out of bed. Hey, maybe Melanie would like to come too?"

  Dinner went by slowly, and Abby just smiled when Jamal asked if Melanie had said anything to her about the party. She knew what he really was trying to ask: if she had said anything about him. After they ate, Jamal made Abby promise three different times to meet him at the track at seven-thirty the next morning. When she got back to her room, she pulled out her book and settled on her bed to study. It was just after dark when she fell asleep on her bed with a textbook in her arms.

  It seemed like she had only been asleep for ten minutes when there was a knock at the door. The clock on her table said eight-fifteen. She was late.

  The two miles they ran around the track were deadly, but she did it. As a "reward" for her hard work she bought herself a fruit smoothie with some kind of brain booster in it.

  Melanie was gone when she got back and the bathroom was all hers, so she took a long, hot, uninterrupted shower. Abby opened her curtains and it was such a nice day; the sun was shinning brightly in the sky. Why stay inside? She might as well get out and enjoy it. There were no classes for her today, so studying was a must. Outside in the sun seemed like a great place to do it.

  She gathered a couple of books into her bag and made the three-minute walk to the pond on campus. It was a nice little place; there were some picnic tables nearby and an area that was shaded by trees. The students on campus called it Waders Lake. It was a joke really; it could not have been more than a twenty-five feet by thirty-five feet, and at the deepest part maybe three feet. Abby loved to come out here when the weather was nice to study or just enjoy the sun on her face.

  She picked a spot that was un-shaded and lay in the grass on her stomach; she pulled her things out of her bag and placed them in front of her. It was quiet around there, with no distractions. Abby had written three chapters of notes for History of Architecture before she even realized how long she had been outside.

  Abby rolled onto her back and yawned. Though the weather was cool, the sun felt very warm on her face. She closed her eyes and just listened to the sounds around her: people talking and laughing in the distance, the sounds of a loud radio somewhere not far away. Then she heard the sound of soft footsteps in the grass getting closer to her.

  "Nice day outside; guess we had the same idea."

  Abby opened her eyes and turned toward the voice as he sat down beside her. It was him, smiling with wide eyes and his hair shining in the sun's light. She sat up quickly and mustered a hello and a smile, trying to stay calm. Her cheeks grew hotter and turned red. Her heart began to race so fast and she wondered if he could hear it.

  "I'm sorry, did I disturb you? I came out to enjoy the weather and study for a while. When I saw you, I...well..." He looked down and seemed to lose his words for a moment, "I thought I would introduce myself. I didn't yesterday. But like I said if I'm bothering you I can go." His last words came out softer than the rest. As he looked back up at her, the smile was gone from his face.

  Abby stared at him; even with no smile on his face, his eyes were bright and welcoming to her. "Um, no you're fine. I was just taking a break from making notes. It is a nice day. I'm Abby, and you are?"

  The smile came back as he started to talk. "Westly, this is my first semester here."

  "This is my second year; I'm an Architecture major. You?"

  "Third year of... well... Computer Programming, I guess is an easy way to put it."

  The two of them sat in silence for a long m
oment just looking at each other, not saying a word. What else should she say? Questions came to mind, but they all seemed strange to her. She didn't want to say something that was going to sound weird.

  When he gave a short laugh and looked down at the book in his lap, she realized that she was staring at him. She could feel her cheeks getting even redder. What was he thinking now? "What?"

  "Nothing, I'm sorry. I was laughing at myself."

  "Why, did I miss something?

  "No, not really, just me inside my own head. I was trying to think of something to say and it all sounded stupid."

  Abby smiled and let out a little laugh of her own, "It's okay I was thinking the same thing myself."

  He only laughed a little and before long it was silent again. This time the silence between them was no different but it was easier somehow.

  Westly stood up slowly before saying, "Well I should let you get back to your studies. Um, I guess I'll see you tomorrow in class then?"

  "Oh no you stay, I should get going. I’m expecting a call from my aunt soon, if she hasn't called me already. Um, it was really nice to meet you and um, get your name this time. I can't wait to see you in class tomorrow." Her cheeks got hot again after saying the last part. "Well I, I just meant that, um, that it would be nice to know someone in the class. You know what I mean, right?"

  Abby started to stand up, and she stepped on her own pant leg. As she started to fall forward onto her face, he caught her. Pulling her back up, he rested her against him. Abby could feel his strong arms around her and was in awe.

  "Are you ok?"

  "Yes, oh my gosh how embarrassing. I, uh, stepped on my pant leg."

  "It was a good thing I was here to catch you, wouldn't want you to break something."

  Abby was still in his arms, and he was not letting go. His smell was manly but sweet at the same time; it was wonderful. There was something about him that was familiar to her. Almost like being home. Abby looked up at his smile and her heart started beating so fast again she thought it might just pop right out of her chest like in a cartoon. She could only hope he didn’t feel it.